
Caveats or Injunctions: Family Law Property Settlement Cases

An important consideration when separating from your husband or wife or De facto partner, is how to protect any interest that you may have in real property, such as the family home. This Information Booklet is based on the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and the Real Property Act 1886

29/06/2022 Family Law

Bankruptcy & Insolvency

This information booklet has been prepared to explain what happens in proceedings in the Federal Circuit & Family Court of Australia when one of the parties is or becomes bankrupt or where one of the parties is a director of a company/business that becomes insolvent. – Family Law Bankruptcy &

16/06/2022 Family Law

Common Demerit point offences

The number of demerit points incurred depends on the type of offence and how likely it is to cause an accident. Speeding Offences Offence Number of Points Fine By less than 10 km/h 2 $183.00 By more than 10 km/h or more but less than 20 km/h 3 $414.00 By

09/05/2022 Traffic Law

Parenting Orders and the Family Law Act

The law is complex and confusing to many. The following information booklet has been prepared by Eugenia Matthews of Matthews Lawyers. Its purpose is to provide information to parents about the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and the Federal Circuit Family Court of Australia. It is hoped that the parties

09/05/2022 Family Law

Which business structure should I choose?

Having the wrong business structure can significantly affect your: Tax liabilities. Personal asset liabilities. Compliance costs. Legal responsibilities. You should always speak to a professional such as an Accountant before choosing your business structure. Each structure has tax and or reporting implications about its activities. By obtaining advice you will