One of the main roles of South Australia Police is to investigate crime and prosecute alleged offenders. The investigation process begins after a complaint has been made to Police by someone alleging that a crime has been committed against them. It is an important part of the criminal justice process.
Trial by Judge v Trial by Jury
Young people and the law
Domestic Violence and Intervention Orders
Part 1: What is Domestic Violence? Part 2: Intervention Orders and the Protected Person (Victim) Part 3: Intervention Orders for the Perpetrator (Alleged Abuser) Legislation: Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 (SA) PART 1: What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is when someone close to you threatens you or
Commentary resulting from the Christian Porter rape allegations
Should a Lawyer disclose a Client’s private information after the Client dies? Commentary as a result of current Christian Porter saga. This is not a discussion on the merits of the allegations against Christian Porter. The short answer is NO. Matthews Lawyers states that legal professional privilege dies upon the
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