Road To Justice: SA Attorney-General Vickie Chapman says only one change needed to killer driving laws, other campaign goals unnecessary – The Advertiser
The Attorney General has announced a new law stripping drivers of their licences once charged with causing a fatal crash.
Eugenia Matthews, Solicitor, of Matthews Lawyers has, this day, commented on this proposal as follows:
I’m perplexed at the wish to disqualify people from driving, who have been involved in motor vehicle accidents. Death by dangerous driving is a serious offence. Those convicted of this offence lose their driver’s licences as well as the other consequences, such as conviction and a custodial sentence, upon conviction. However, often drive without due care or some other offence is charged in the alternative. People who are accused are not convicted.
The criminal law states that people are innocent until proven guilty. The court process is lengthy. Deprivation of a driver’s licence may result in the Accused losing their job, home, relationship and the like, for nothing if the result is an acquittal. In these circumstances where the Accused is found not guilty or the charge is withdrawn, they have been punished for nothing. This does not seem fair.
If you have been charged with causing death by dangerous driving, or any other traffic offence, you should immediately seek legal advice by calling 0401 269 091 to speak with one of our Solicitors. Matthews Lawyers are experienced in criminal law and traffic law.
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